04 April 2009

i heart.

i had a great talk with my coordinator from EI last night (thanks, Helen!), and she presented me with an additional opportunity: coordinate my stats background into the overseas program. her idea was for me to measure the impact of partnered EI projects; this means looking at cost-benefit analysis, population impacts, and growth opportunities to hopefully get government grants and support to make the projects sustainable.


i'm probably one of the few people that would get really excited over doing stats for a summer.

sometimes i don't really understand God's plans. sometimes my heart is unsettled because i have no idea what im doing and why im doing it. if you asked me a couple months ago "why africa?" i'd respond with "because?"
but now i can tell you it's because i want to make a career of international development and the first step is to go overseas. i can say that it's because this is what God has planned for me. when i first applied to EI, Helen told me about Malawi and i've always wanted to go to Malawi! i told her i was in math, and she told me they've been looking for someone with my background. i saw the budget and was a bit overwhelmed, and awhile later she told me that they had overestimated by $1200. And now, I get to use even more of my mathiness. I know that sometimes God works in mysterious ways, but sometimes He is also very clear =)

one day im going to stand before God and He's going to ask me "what did you do on this earth for me?" and i can only pray that i call answer with "everything you planned for me to do." i want to be part of a generation that pursues justice, helps the lost, and heals the broken.

why? watch this.

"one generation commends your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts."
-psalm 145:4

1 comment:

  1. i have always known i am blessed to have you in my life because you continue to inspire everyday.

    i love the video =**)
